admin Posted on 6:26 am

5 Wonder Cures From The Forest

Barton Publishing Inc

Cures from the Forest

1.Constipation – Drink the decoction of hop sprouts or the infusion of ash leaves.

hop sprouts

2.Rheumatic pain, lumbar and loin pain – Pick a large quantity of club moss (lycopodium). Braid two or three long fresh plants; the obtained “belt” is tied around your waist, but not over bare skin, but over a cotton T-shirt. Dried plants can also be used.


3.Insomnia, calming overly active children – Drink the infusion of field poppy petals. Do not use the seeds, only the petals.

poppy petals natural remedies

4.Tuberculosis and heavy coughing – Gather orchil (lichen), a bluish moss that grows on rocks, and let it dry, then mince it. Add a spoonful of it in a mug of cold water. Leave it overnight and drink it the next day unsweetened.

gather orchil natural remedies

5.Healing wounds – Pick beech bracket fungi in September and October and cut the fungi in one cm thick slices. Allow the sun to dry them and then grind them as fine as possible. The obtained powder is sprinkled on the wounds. In cases of emergency when you find yourself injured in the woods, you can apply fresh slices of bracket fungi. They will stop the bleeding.

beech brachet natural remedies

Be healthy, be natural!

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