admin Posted on 10:31 am

Hay fever – temporary first aid

Barton Publishing Inc

With pollen there is hay fever: runny nose and an itchiness which is unbearable. The people suffering from this condition produce too many histamines to protect themselves against pollen: the mucous tissue is heavily irrigated with blood, it swells and presses the water from the cells in the nose. The condition manifests like a head cold, and the bronchi narrow to such extent that respiratory problems occur.

Treatment: as temporary first aid, you can rinse you nostrils with cold water. And another thing that is good to know is that: peppers, baked whole-grain bread, cucumbers, radishes, rye bread are rich in magnesium and are highly recommended against rhinitis.

Effect: the water that rinses the nostrils deflates the swell and eliminates the pollen, and the magnesium helps stop the production of histamine.

Be healthy, be natural

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