admin Posted on 8:48 am

Hypertension and hypotension homemade remedy!

Barton Publishing Inc


In case of a predisposition to hypertension, your heart and blood vessels are heavily stressed and could be easily harmed.
Treatment: garlic best cleanses blood vessels, but only in large quantities (1-2 fresh cloves daily).
Effect: Garlic contains sulphites that reduce cholesterol.


In the case of hypotension, the heart pumps blood with less force. For strengthening the pumping force, Pastor Kneipp’s recipe is recommended.
Treatment: Pour 3/4 l of white wine over 20 g leaves of rosemary, leave them 5 days and then drink regularly, one cup at noon and evening. (Hypotension is not as serious as hypertension).

Effect: rosemary balances the heart’s pumping rate together with an active ingredient (camphene) found in white wine.

Be healthy, be natural!



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