Cheapest remedies for headaches, ribs pangs and intestinal parasites
1. Headaches: 200 g leaves of fresh absinthe are crushed and minced well and are introduced in a one litre bottle. Add Țuică (distilled fruit liquor) until you fill the bottle. Macerate it for 9 days. Shake it every 2 days, filter it and massage the aching areas.
2. Remedy for pangs between the ribs: apply a compress soaked with rubbing alcohol strewn with ground pepper. Stay warm for 1-2 hours.
3. Intestinal parasites: 250 g minced onion is boiled in 1 l milk, until it evaporates to half. Sweeten it with honey and keep it in the fridge. Take 3 spoonfuls three times a day before eating for three consecutive days. Drink thyme tea, coriander tea, rosehip tea, milfoil tea, cumin tea and absinthe tea. Undergo lavement with sweetened absinthe tea.