admin Posted on 6:00 pm

Wrinkles – Prevent Your Skin Aging

Barton Publishing Inc

Wrinkles are not a disease, but as a result of aging. Still, they annoy us, especially the women. Unfortunately, there is no miraculous cure in changing the wrinkled skin into baby skin overnight. But you can do something to slow it down, as much as possible, the skin aging process.

Treatment: a masque with ingredients from our own pantry: one egg yolk mixed with two tablespoons of wheat germs oil and with yeast and then spread it on a thin layer on your face and neck. Allow it to permeate for 30 minutes, after which you must rinse with a lot of water.

egg-yolk     wheat-germ-oil    yeast

Effect: the lecithin found in the egg yolk smoothes and stretches the skin, and the vitamins found in the yeast protect it from damaging effect of the setting.

Be healthy, be natural!

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