admin Posted on 10:17 am

Neurodermatitis – Useful Treatment With Soy Oil

Barton Publishing Inc

Neurodermatitis it’s an hereditary disease, with a strong psychical component that can never be fully healed, and the state can be alleviated through minute nursing, without affecting the protective layer.

Treatment: building up grease can be done through baths with oils (e.g. soy). You can bathe daily: pour 10 ml oil in warm water (37-38°C), stay in the bathtub for 10 minutes and then massage the affected skin. Against itchiness take baths with apple vinegar: mix one portion of vinegar with two portions of water and apply pressure lightly with soaked cotton wool.

Effect: the fats and oils repair the superficial layer and calm the itchiness. Apple vinegar stabilizes the skin’s protective acid layer.

Be healthy, be natural!

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